This post is a little late (okay, more than a little), but we are very proud of these two! So, better late than never, right?
Hannah and I were the proud teachers at this art reception!
In May, we received the news that Lily won Overall for the Congressional Art Competition, and Susanna took Second place! It is an understatement to say that we were excited and proud. Nothing could have been more special than for these two lifelong friends to win together. They have literally been friends from birth and have supported and encouraged each other with their art from a very young age. And, what makes it even more perfect (in my opinion) is what happened fifteen years ago.
My amazing art teacher, Alicia Garver, me (feeling very awkward), and Kevin McCarthy
In 2007, I entered my first Congressional Art Competition and won. My piece of art was a colored pencil drawing of three young girls wearing matching dresses. Those three girls weren’t just some random cute kids though. They were all three girls that I knew and loved. These three were born to be friends (they really didn’t have much of a choice, just ask their moms), and this picture seemed to capture their relationship perfectly.
Susanna, Sarah, and Lily
I had no idea when I drew that picture fifteen years ago that two of those little girls would one day win the Congressional together.
Lily and Susanna next to their artwork
Lily’s graphite drawing Want Some?
Susanna’s pen and ink drawing Time Moves On
Lily and Susanna, we are so proud of you two! You are no longer those cute little girls (I kind of miss them sometimes…), but instead beautiful young women (both taller than me…), and incredible artists. God has amazing plans for you both and I can’t wait to see how He is going to use you and your talents in the future. I love you both!